søndag den 9. april 2017

The Easter Resistance 2017 WWIII - Allied Forces Must Sabotage Nazi EU Islam Globalist Slavery Genocidal Axis, with ethical duty of care in mind

The Easter Resistance 2017 WWIII - Allied Forces Must Sabotage Nazi EU Islam Globalist Slavery Genocidal Axis, with ethical duty of care in mind It is more urgent to fight against apathy! Christian friends and Allies WWIII. Let us make Easter 2017, 9 April 2017, into people's resistance fight "Day Zero": Enemy axis is Nazi EU Islam Vatican Globalist anti-national axis, this genocidal, totalitarian, invasive slavery axis. The axis crimes against humanity are not indications of naitivite', idiocy or psykosis, as some keep calling it in misunderstood or dishonest Orwellian Newspeak. Muslims, Nazi, and their Globalist slave economy axis including the like of EU and politicians such as the Nazi-Stalinist-Colonialist Merkel, act in strategically calculated and planned manner, easy to decipher in hindsigt. Their aims have long been exposed for all to see. Please take a clear political, trades- and military-strategic stance towards the enemy axis, Nazi EU Islam axis and stop treating yourself and your Allies as "naive idiots" by calling these enemies "naive idiots". Thirtynine years of WWIII started by Nazi Vichy Air France bringing Muslim Khomeini back to Iran, and invade USA by proxy! 1989 was the year of export of totalitarian Islamic State murderous censorship as a tool of invasion of territory, by Khomeini's assassination and genocide order against all opposing authors, publishers and readers, yes, all citizens of World. Twentyfive years invasion and occupation of Northern Europe and Scandinavia then was deliberately escalated by the Nazi EU Islam Globalist slavery axis, to destroy the few well-organised nations remaining in Europe. Since 2015, militarisation of our streets, restrictions on our citizens freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of movement has been escalated through Nazi EU Islam mass invasion and serial rapes and murderes, assassinations and genocidal war crimes, latest in London, St Petersburgh, Stockholm, attempt in Oslo and now in a Cairo Church on Easter day! Let us sabotage Nazi EU Islam Globalist slavery totalitarian axis in any and all ethically acceptable way! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yV-6pHdUpfk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy3aDIatrY0