Jeg inviterer hermed alle fredelige, lovlydige medborgere til en tvaerpolitisk, fredelig, lovlig oplysnings-kampagnedag mod stening, piskning og henrettelser. Arrangementet er sekulaer og religioese sympoler frabedes. Kampagnen vil ogsaa saette fokus paa, at et regime af stening ikke burde anerkendes af FN som repraesentanter for det Iranske folk. Danmark kunne starte med at tage sagen op!
Demonstrationen/folkeoplysningsdagen afholdes loerdag d.18.09.2010, kl.14-16, i naerheden af den Iranske Islamiske statsmoske, ved Glentevej-Vibevej, som led i det internationale samarbejde:, idet vi i Koebenhavn vil samtidig vise, at den statslige sharia-stormoskee paa Vibevej ikke er velkommen. Jeg vil fraraade megafon-larm, idet vi er der ogsaa til at stoette nabolaget mod den larm, uro og undertrykkelse, som en evt. kommende stormoskee vil udsaette dem for. Vi vil som d.28.08.2010 samtale med interesserede forbipasserende - folkeoplysning! Hvorfor tror I, at Islamisk Imperialisme truer og assassinerer vores forfattere, forlaeggere, redaktoerer, tegnere og kunstnere? Det er fordi folkeoplysning om og mod sharia og Islamisk Imperialisme er et effektivt redskab i folkelig modstand mod disse.
Hidtil er 32 byer over hele Verden med i denne kampagnedag for at holde Sakineh og andre truede fanger i live, og for at opfordre Verdenssamfundets til at goere alt hvad der er i vores magt til at stoppe stening, piskning og henrettelser, i Iran og i resten af Verden. Men ogsaa at sikre retfaerdig, sekulaer, civil og humanistisk rettergang for de indsatte og anklagede.
Politiet og kommunen har givet tilladelse til stopstoningnow demonstration/oplysnings-kampagnen ved Glentevej-Vibevej Der vil komme en pressemeddelelse i morgen.
Vejrudsigt fra DMI: Lørdag lidt eller nogen sol, men også spredte byger. Temp. op mellem 12 og 15 grader, og jævn til hård vind omkring vest, ved kysterne endnu lokalt op til kuling.
I London vil der paa samme tid vaere demonstration og oplysningskampagner mod Paven, som man flere inkl. Sam Harris og Richard Dawkins har indstillet til at blive arresteret og stillet for retten for de forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, hvilke han og hans multinationale etablissement er ansvarlige for.
Kl.17: Derefter vil jeg opfordre alle at deltage i konference og sekulaer mindehoejtidighed for de faldne venner, bekendte, familiemedlemmer og kammerater i 1988, under en af de stoerste Holocausts i den Iranske Islamiske stats blodige historie: man kunne kalde den folkemord mod de sekulaere mindretal i Iran, omend der ogsaa blev henrettet mange troende.
Nedenfor brev fra Maryam Namazie om 18. September aktionsdagen paa Engelsk, efterfulgt af Ali Azads brev paa persisk med indkaldelse til moedet om 1988 henrettelserne.
Med venlig hilsen
Pedram Kazemi-Esfarjani, fortsat fuldgyldigt medlem af bestyrelsen i den koebenhavnske forening Fritiran, sekulaert liberalt mindretal.
BILAG: 1- Maryam Namazie's brev vedr. 18. September aktionsdag for Sakineh. 2- Maryam Namazie og venners kampagnes hjemmeside har bragt nedennaevnte analyse af folkemord i Iran 1988; 3- Ali Azad og Komitteen til Forsvar af Politiske Fanger i Iran indklader til moede om 1988 masse-henrettelserne.
Nedenfor en af koordinatorerne, kommunisten Maryam Namazie, saa bedes I forstaa, at dette er en tvaerpolitisk engagement mellem saavel kommunister som liberale. pke
Since I last wrote to you Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has again been flogged 99 times for an unveiled photo mistakenly attributed to her . She has also been threatened with execution, and denied visitation rights. Even, her lawyer’s home (Hatoun Kian) has been ransacked and his computer and documents seized. Court documents pertaining to Ms Ashtiani’s husband’s closed murder case have also gone missing.
Her 22-year-old son Sajjad is extremely concerned that the Iranian authorities are trying to frame Ms Ashtiani for his father’s murder by constructing a ‘new’ murder case to refute the stoning sentence. Unfortunately a number of media outlets have bought into the lie (see for example BBC Sunday Morning Live’s bias here). In fact, the press have been given a copy of the actual court judgment of stoning for adultery at a 30 July press conference in London. Also, even the man who has been found guilty of murdering her husband has not been executed. In Iran, under Diyeh laws, the family of the victim can ask for the death penalty to be revoked. Ms Ashtiani’s son explains why he and his 17 year old sister spared the man’s life in an interview with French writer and philosopher, Bernard-Henri Levy.
Despite all the regime’s outrages against Ms Ashtiani, her lawyers and family, on 8 September, a government official had the audacity to deceivingly claim that Ms Ashtiani had not been denied visitation rights, that her televised confession was not made under duress, and that she had not been flogged again. He also went on to say that her execution had been halted when no official documents halting her stoning or execution have been given to her lawyer or family.
Clearly this is yet another one of the regime’s ploys to push back the international campaign in her defence by giving the false impression that Ms Ashtiani is safe.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
On 18 September, we call on citizens everywhere to come out in defence of Ms Ashtiani and against the regime of flogging, stoning and execution. We are also calling for protests during 23-24 September when Ahmadinejad will be addressing the UN General Assembly.
Nothing can and will stop us from defending Sakineh’s precious life and bringing an end to the medieval and barbaric punishments of stoning and execution.
Let’s keep the pressure on.
We look forward to receiving news of your actions and events at
Warmest wishes
Maryam Namazie
The mass execution of political prisoners in the summer of 1988 was genocide
During the summer of 1988, as a continuation of the massacres and political executions that had taken place from the moment that the regime took power [in 1979], the Islamic Republic perpetrated mass executions of political prisoners. In a hasty operation, several thousand imprisoned opponents of the Islamic Republic were “tried” in minute courts (1) without any legal defense, sentenced to death, and immediately executed. What happened in the summer of ’88 was not only a new wave of political executions, but a genocide (2) against the Islamic Republic’s imprisoned opponents that was designed to systematically decimate and physically eradicate all who opposed the Islamic Republic.
The Iranian Revolution [which marks its beginning in June 2009] turned the eyes of the world towards Iran and blew the dust away from the hazy picture of 31 years of crime and genocide that people have suffered under the rule of the Islamic Republic. Today, the whole world is witness to the bloodthirsty political system confronting Iranian people. The International Campaign to Save Sakineh Ashtiani has drawn the attention of people worldwide to this reality: the Islamic Republic is a regime of stoning, execution, flogging, torture, enslavement of women, and utter denial of peoples’ rights.
Today, 22 years after the tragic genocide carried out against the Islamic Repblic’s opposition in the summer of ’88, and in the midst of efforts to save the life of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and others sentenced to stoning and execution in Iran, we declare that all leaders of the Islamic Republic must be prosecuted and tried immediately. None of the heads of the Islamic Republic should be permitted to visit other countries. None of them should be permitted to stand behind a podium in front of international bodies and claim to be a representative of Iranian people. All political relationships with the Islamic Republic should be severed, and embassies of this regime of genocide should be closed.
On the 18th of September, people should demonstrate everywhere, and demand the freedom of Sakineh, as well as the legal and practical abolition of stoning, flogging, torture, and execution. Loudly declare that you stand with Iranian people in their endeavor to bring down this regime.
This regime is the murderer of the Iranian people, and it is the shame of all humanity. This regime should be brought to an end.
(1) “Minute courts” is the name given to these summary trials, which lasted less than 5 minutes in total and were followed by immediate execution.
(2) “The Genocide Convention of 1948, to which Iran has been a party since 1949, applies to killings of, or causing serious mental or physical harm to, members of a racial or religious group as such, with intent to destroy that group in whole or in part. The “religious group” that the Iranian regime intended to destroy in the second wave were those in its prisons who had been born Muslim but who had later renounced Islam. Whether or not atheists should count as a “religious group” for the purposes of the Convention, it is clear that persons who are born into a particular faith that they later renounce can be so categorised. This is a feature of the second wave of killings and is one reason why they must, in international law, engage continuing attention. And it must never be forgotten that the first wave of killings, although triggered by fury at the “Mersad” incursion, was based on the conclusion
that the MKO version of Islam was a blasphemy. Both the MKO and the leftists were condemned as moharebs, warriors against God, whose divinely ordained punishment was to be enforced by the state.”
The legal argument for judging the regime to be guilty of genocide begins on page 106.
Robertson, G. 2010. The Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran, 1988: Report of an Inquiry Conducted by Geoffrey Robertson, Q.C. Washington DC: The Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation.
به مناسبت بیست ودومین سالگرد قتل عام هزاران زندانی سیاسی توسط رژیم جنایتکار اسلامی
در بیست دومین سالگرد قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی یاد هزاران زندانی سیاسی که در زندانهای جمهوری
اسلامی به قتل رسیده اند ، بخصوص کشتار دسته جمعی زندانیان در دهه 60 و نسل کشی تابستان 76 را
گرامی میداریم
با ردیگر همراه با میلیونها انسان آزادی خواه و دها هزار خانواده جانباختگان برای برچیده شدن بساط
زندان ، شکنجه ،اعدام و رژیم جنایتکار جمهوری اسلامی ایران تلاش میکنیم ، و باردیگر با آرمانهای
بزرگ وانسانی همه جانباختگان راه آزادی ،برابری ، عدالت خواهی و سوسیالیسم تجدید عهد میکنیم
کشتار زندانیان سیاسی ونسل کشی دهه شصت را نه فراموش میکنیم ونه می بخشیم و تا برچیده شدن
پدیده زندان ، شکنجه ،اعدام ومحاکمه همه دست اندرکاران این جنایت هولناک مبارزه وتلاش پیگیری
این خواست برحق دهاهزار خانواده داغدار ادامه خواهد داشت . به همین مناسبت کمیته دفاع از زندانیان
سیاسی ایران مراسم ویژه ای را تدارک دیده است .
زمان . شنبه 18 سپتامبر 2010 از ساعت 17 تا 20
آدرس . (Ahlefeldtsgade) CHAROTTE AMMUNDSENS PLADS 3
برگزار کننده .کمیته دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی ایران )دانمارک)
FRITIRAN SECULAR LIBERAL MINORITY REPORT: Fritirans sekulære liberale mindretal opfordrer til at lære af Danske søfolk og modstandsfolks kamp mod Nazisme, men gøre tidlig, fredelig modstand mod Islamiske Imperialistiske stater og deres neo-Nazi axis. As a member elect of Fritiran, secular liberal minority, I urge all to learn from Danish sailors and resistance fighters 1940-1945, but show early, peaceful and firm resistance against the Islamic Imperialist states and their neo-Nazi axis.